Trovo Streamer Plugin

Trovo API Plugin #

This WordPress plugin allows users to display information about a Trovo streamer on their WordPress website using the Trovo API.
The plugin includes a shortcode that can be used to display a block of information about the streamer, including their profile picture, username, social links, content rating, number of followers, current streaming status, and the game they are currently playing.

This WordPress plugin allows users to retrieve and display information about Trovo channels using shortcodes. The plugin includes a function to send a cURL request to the Trovo API to retrieve information about a specified channel, and a shortcode that can be used to display this information on a WordPress page or post. The plugin also includes a stylesheet to apply styles to the displayed information, and enqueues the Font Awesome library to display social media icons. The plugin requires a client ID, which should be added to the wp-config.php file.

Requirements #

– PHP 7.2 or higher
– WordPress 5.4 or higher
– A Trovo API client ID

Installation #

1. Download the plugin files and unzip them.
2. Upload the trovo-api-plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
4. Go to the Trovo Developer Console ( and create a new client ID.
5. Add the client ID to your wp-config.php file as follows: define('CLIENT_ID, your-client-id-here');

Usage #

To display information about a Trovo streamer on a page or post, use the [ trovo_info ] shortcode, with the username attribute set to the streamer’s Trovo username.

For example:
– Display information for a specific channel by using [ trovo_info username="TheDiabolicAngeL" ].
– Display information for the default channel (TheDiabolicAngeL) by using [ trovo_info ]

The Trovo API Plugin will display the following information for the specified streamer:

– Profile picture
– Username
– Social links (if available)
– Content rating (family friendly, 13+ , 18+ , personal views)
– Number of followers
– Stream status (online or offline)
– Date and time of the last stream (if offline)
– Game being played or last played (if online or offline, respectively)
– Discord Server Join Button (if available)
– Watch the Stream Button

Styling #

The plugin includes a style.css file with some basic styles for the info block. You can override these styles by creating a new style.css file in your theme’s css directory and adding your own styles.

Credits #

This plugin was created by DiabolicAngeL.

Support #

If you encounter any issues or have any questions about this plugin, please open an issue on the repository’s issue tracker.

License #

This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later.

Changelog #

v1.0.0 – 09.01.2023 – First release.

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