Stream Commands
Viewer Stream Commands (Click here)
# Stream General Commands
Command | Description |
!streamertime | Announce the streamer’s local time |
!game | Give’s you the current game and the playtime if the channel is online |
!playtime | Tells you how long the caster has been playing the current game for |
!title | Give’s you the current title and the channel uptime if the channel is online |
!uptime | Give’s you the current stream uptime. |
!streamcmd | Provides a list of all available commands |
!discord | My Discord server's link |
!website | Shows my website's link |
!tip | Donate link to support the stream |
!overlay | Shows my overlay information |
!social | All my social links |
!gameprice gamename | Shows the current price of games. Note: Type the games names without spaces. For example !gameprice rainbowsixsiege |
!weather city,country | Example: !weather Athens,Greece Shows the current weather and time zone of the specified city |
# Games Commands
Command | Description |
!valorant | Shows my current rank in Valorant |
# Other Commands
Command | Description |
!deathctr | Display the current number of deaths in the game being played |
!gamescan !gamescan [game name] |
Scan for a recently played game and list the date in which the broadcaster played it |
!vod | Displays stream uptime and current VOD or, if offline, the last VOD available |
!quote | Announce a random quote |
# Personal Commands
Command | Description |
!age | Tells you how long you have been on Twitch for |
!time | Announce the amount of time spent in the channel |
!followage !followage [username] |
Shows for how long you have been following the channel |
!rank | Display your current rank |
!points | Shows your points in chat |
!lastseen !lastseen [username] |
Find out when the given user was last seen in the channel |
# Leaderboards Commands
Command | Description |
!toptime | Display the top people with the most time |
!top | Display the top people with the most points |
# Song Commands
Command | Description |
!songrequest [YouTube video ID | YouTube link | search by name] |
Requests a YouTube song to play on stream |
!currentsong | Display the currently playing song in the chat |
!previoussong | Display the previous played song in the chat |
!nextsong | Display the next song in the request queue |
!skipsong vote | Allows you to vote to skip a song |
!wrongsong | Removes the last requested song from the user |
# Queue Commands
Command | Description |
!queue info | Gives you the current information about the queue that is opened |
!joinqueue !joinqueue [gamertag] |
Adds you to the current queue. Note that the gamertag part is optional |
!queue list | Gives you the current queue list. Note that if the queue list is very long it will only show the first 5 users in the queue |
!queue next [amount] | Shows the players that are to be picked next. Note if the amount is not specified it will only show one |
!queue position | Tells what position you are in the queue and at what time you joined |
# Clips Commands
Command | Description |
!topclip | Displays the top clip from the past day |
!lastclip | Displays information about the last clip captured |
# Raffle Commands
Command | Description |
!raffle results | Gives you the current raffle information if there is one active |
!tickets [amount] | Buy tickets to enter the ticket raffle |
# Bet Commands
Command | Description |
!bet current | Shows current bet stats |
!bet results | Results of the latest bet |
# Auction Commands
Command | Description |
!auction lastwinner | Auction latest winner |
# Poll Commands
Command | Description |
!poll results | Announce result information about the last run poll |
# Soundboard
Command | Description | |
!airhorn | airhorn | |
!applause | applause | |
!drumroll | drumroll | |
!goodgood | goodgood | |
!johncena | johncena | |
!nobodycares | nobodycares | |
!sweetcrap | sweetcrap | |
!tutturuu | tutturuu | |
!whaawhaa | whaawhaa | |
!wilhelmscream | wilhelmscream |
Moderators Stream Commands (Click here)
# Shoutout Commands
Command | Description |
!shoutout | Give a shout out to a streamer |
!so | Give a shout out to a streamer |
# General Commands
Command | Description |
!users | List users currently in the channel |
!mods | List mods currently in the channel |
!synconline | Syncing title, game, and online state with Twitch API |
!checkfollow | Check if a user is following the channel |
!commercial | Command for manually running commercials |
# Highlights Commands
Command | Description |
!gethighlights | Gets current highlights |
!highlight | Marks a highlight using the given description and with the current date stamp |
!showhighlights | Get a list of current highlights |
# Penalties Commands
Command | Description |
!penalty | Stop a user from gaining points for X amount of minutes |
!permit | Permit someone to post a link for a configured period of time |
# Bet Commands
Command | Description |
!bet close | Closes the current bet |
!bet open | Opens a bet with those options |
!bet reset | Resets a bet |
# Deaths Counter Commands
Command | Description |
!deathctr + | Add one to the death counter for the game being played |
!deathctr - | Subtract one from the death counter for the game being played |
!deathctr add | Add one to the death counter for the game being played |
!deathctr decr | Subtract one from the death counter for the game being played |
!deathctr incr | Add one to the death counter for the game being played |
!deathctr sub | Subtract one from the death counter for the game being played |
!deathctr reset | Reset the death counter for the game being played |
!deathctr set | Set the death counter for the game being played |
# Poll Commands
Command | Description |
!poll | Announce information about a poll, if one is running |
!poll close | Close the current poll and tally the votes |
!poll open | Starts a poll with question and options. Optionally provide seconds and min votes |
!poll results | Announce result information about the last run poll (Poll information is retained until shutdown) |
# Raffle Commands
Command | Description |
!raffle open | Opens a custom raffle |
!raffle close | Closes the current raffle |
!raffle draw | Draws a winner from the current raffle list |
!raffle lastwinners | Shows last raffle winners |
!raffle reset | Resets the raffle |
# Ticket Raffle Commands
Command | Description |
!traffle open | Opens a ticket raffle. -followers is optional |
!traffle close | Closes a ticket raffle |
!traffle draw | Picks a winner for the ticket raffle |
!traffle reset | Resets the raffle |
# Auction Commands
Command | Description |
!auction close | Closes an open auction |
!auction open | Opens an auction; timer is optional |
!auction reset | Resets the auction |
!auction set | A maximum of 29 and a minimum of 6 is allowed |
!auction warn | Shows the top bidder in an auction |
Discord Stream Commands (Click here)
# General Commands
Command | Description |
!account | Checks the current account linking status of the sender |
!lastclip | Displays information about the last clip captured |
!top | Shows the top 5 points viewers |
!topclip | Displays the top clip from the past day |
!toptime | Shows top 5 watching time viewers |
PC Build
Primary PC (Click here to see my build)
About DiabolicAngeL
Getting lost in the worlds of games and creativity.
I have the ability to draw out people’s forbidden desires.
The more complex the human, the more challenging and exciting.
Who am I?
Demon to some, Angel to others.
Getting lost in the worlds of games and creativity.
I’m a freelance web designer and developer, who loves to play video games. I’m always looking for new projects, so if you’re interested in hiring me as your next personal website designer, please get in touch with me through my social media info below.
I also make stream overlays, discord bots, and more. I love to create things that make people happy.
I love programming and designing, but I especially love when I can combine the two to produce something functional and beautiful.
I am an artist and designer, self-taught, who occupies my time with video games and designing things for a variety of clients.
I also have the ability to draw out people’s forbidden desires. The more complex the human, the more challenging and exciting.
Who am I?
Demon to some, Angel to others.